It leaked out accidentally. Out of my control. It came out with a sharp Piiuuutt (slightly louder than Woon Bing's). I felt the eyes of the Old Town Kopitiam customers shift to me. Lips stopping at midsentence. Heads turning. Crystal glass hit the ground with a loud cling. Pigeons flying off, unfortunately those that were underneath my chair, passed out.
I seriously don't know that it was from me until those hatred eyes were upon me. As if i did a terrible thing. I normally control my farts, but this time, ...rare. No warnings were given to me. So you can't blame me and maybe because of the 2 days constipation, the smell is stronger this time than those usual ones, unbearable.
But why those stares? I'm sure everyone farts. Either in public or during shower. Just because it's a fatman farting so I deserve to be criticised? It's really sad, last time when I was much slimmer, whenever I fart, people will run towards me just to get their part of blessing from me. Now that I'm 94kg and farts, I look like a bad ogre that scares people off. Reality hurts. Now I know how it feels to be fat. Laughed by friends, rejected by society and arse treated as punching bag for those poor children whose parents can't afford to buy them toys!
I need help. I want to be me again. Help.

I don't wanna be like him