Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Amazing Race Premiere At Zouk

4 contestants from Malaysia, Daniel's sisters and 2 young mums.

Vanessa and Pamela C, woohoo... they came out in FHM too. Check it out.

Daniel's mum... putting her worries behind and went all out.

She's still young.

Joshua and Pamela, he forced me to put this up.

And this one too. Luckiest man for the night.

Some other celebrities came too that night, one of them is this guy, forget his name though, Ismail something-something. (Smile just like Joshua)

Hitz.FM, J Low there too.

Not forgetting 1st session Akademi Fantasia winner, Vince Chong.

Ramdom pic : Hot chick with her uncle or brother.

Hot chick is definitely not happy with her blue shirt driver standing beside her.

I always thought Zouk is full with young girls, but I was wrong.
Drunkard no.1

Drunkard no.2

Drunkard no.3 and drunkard no.4 (the camera man, aaron)

Christmas @ Gardens

More pictures coming up...

Monday, November 26, 2007

College Camp 2007

Gonna be the last.
Gonna be BIG.

Prepare your hearts. This time besides having fun in the games, besides having a good fellowship time with your friends, besides all the Mee Cup you can eat in a night.. Expect something great from him. Not just something, but something GREAT. Then have faith that He will give you more than you ask for.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I You Sell Used Copy Belts??

I had this conversation with a guy the other day on MSN. At first I thought he was Louis. But nope, he sounded like Louis though...

feng says:

anthony says:
who are you?

feng says:
my name is feng

feng says:
from hongkong

anthony says:
do i noe u?

feng says:
and you ?

feng says:
i just now add you

anthony says:
i have ur contact in my list for the past 3 days

feng says:
and you ?

anthony says:
i thought i know you or something

anthony says:
u added me

feng says:

feng says:

anthony says:
anyway im anthony from Malaysia

anthony says:

anthony says:
so u added me?

feng says:

feng says:

feng says:
friend ,you sell somthing?

anthony says:
like wut?

feng says:
i look you MSN is you ?

(he saw my manly photo, and yeap, it was me..)

anthony says:

feng says:
ah ,

anthony says:
u mean the picture?

anthony says:
yes its me

feng says:

feng says:
you sell belt ?

anthony says:

anthony says:

feng says:

feng says:
we can become the friend to sell something

anthony says:
yea sure sure

anthony says:
u want belt?

anthony says:
so u added me so that u can buy belt?

feng says:
you don;t understand me mean

anthony says:
yes i don understand seriously..

feng says:
i said you buy my belt after sell to you country

feng says:
you now understand

feng says:

anthony says:
i buy your used belt and i sell it out in malaysia?

feng says:

feng says:

anthony says:

anthony says:
oh okay..

anthony says:
show me ur belt.

anthony says:
i'll consider buying if your used belt is still new and look nice

feng says:
we together make money

feng says:

anthony says:
we make money by selling your USED belt?

feng says:
i know

anthony says:
how much u selling?

anthony says:
those are original o fake?

feng says:

feng says:
if you buy fore me i can give you good price

feng says:
i selling 1belt 20eur 10belt16eur

anthony says:
20 euro for a fake belt???

anthony says:
thats like 90 bucks in malaysai

feng says:
friend no fake

anthony says:

feng says:
these is copy

(this is the part where i got confused, he manipulated me.. those belts are fake but he said they are not, they are just copy...??!!?..)

feng says:
if you buy 10belt i can give you 1belt 16eur

feng says:
10belt 160eur

anthony says:

anthony says:
with that price of yours..

anthony says:
not one will buy them here

anthony says:

anthony says:
we can easily buy belts here, copy belts for 10 bucks

anthony says:
thats like 20 hong kong dollars

anthony says:
and we can buy original belts for RM100

feng says:

anthony says:
not copy but original

feng says:

feng says:
i give you price include shipping exes

feng says:
you i send you must to shiping

Then I was to lazy to layan him la. Wanna sell fake belts to me all the way from Hong Kong even though those fake belts here in Malaysia and Hong Kong are all made in China. Selling to me in Euro somemore.
The worst part, he's selling me his USED belts. Teng.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's Deepavali.
I'll make sales today!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Feel Good To help Others

Have you ever help someone before? Not someone you know or someone you like (in order to attract him/her). Have you ever help a stranger before? It feels good when you do.

Yesterday while I was on my way to work, I helped an Indian guy. He was the type of Indian guy you and I wouldn't want to help. Those gangster kind of look with a small black Adidos (fake adidas) bag hanging around his neck. So this guy came into the bus, and it cost RM2 per ride, he only got RM1.30. He was searching for money in his left, right and back pocket and all he got was just RM1.30. (he doesn't even have a wallet). So me being me. I mean, I was not myself yesterday... I topped up another RM1 for him. As I said earlier, he's the type of Indian I wouldn't wanna help. Not being racist here. But in the end, I helped the poor fella and guess what? I actually feel good bout it. It brighten up my yesterday.

Then just when I thought of taking a cab home, (cause I sprained my back yesterday while carrying furniture) I bummed into a China lady. Not prostitute. Just a normal lady. She was asking me something in Mandarin for 3mins. Not that I don't understand what she was saying, it's just that...oh, never mind. So finally after 3mins of bla-ing, I gave her RM20. She said thank you and she also said that when her boss come down from Beijing tomorrow (which is today!!), she'll ask her boss to buy me lunch. She was really polite, even as I'm walking away, she kept bowing and saying thank you. What is strange is that, I do feel good for helping her, but after awhile, the feeling was gone, new feeling came in, I felt CHEATED by the lady. Sigh. So much for being a good guy.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Gift From Macau

This was the conversation ma and my sis had.

"You going Macau??"

"Yup, and ya, I still owe you your 21st birthday present right?"

"Ah, forget it, it's ok.. Just buy me some shirts from Hong Kong will do."

"Oh okay, I buy you something nice."

I was REALLY happy when she said that, she hardly buy me stuff anymore. Used to. But no more. Something tells me this time she's going to buy me something nice and expensive. I was looking forward to it. She even told me to have faith in her that she'll get me something nice.

Remember I told you my dad got me a clock for my birthday? A month later he told me I needed it thats why he bought me one. According to him, I'm always late for family events (dinner, shopping, etc). So my dad bought me something I need not want. I don't blame him, I'm late for my family... sometimes.

And now guess what my sis bought back for me? She said it was something I need too. My birthday present...


Apparently, this is a very famous brand in Macau and HK. Something Nike or Adidas in Malaysia. That's what she said.

SUPERSTAR!! More happening than CK in Hong Kong.

And it only costs this much..I think Superstar monopolized the whole market la, that's why they can afford to put it at this price.

"Just by wearing it Anthony, you'll feel like a star. Super some more. I'm a great sister la."

I love my sister ALOT.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Whose Line Is It Anyway

If this is not hilarious enough, watch the next video... you'll be laughing on the floor.
Check out their expressions. They are good. They are good.

This one really makes me LAUGH! If only I'm as good as them lar.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Nothing better to update, so ya, let me show some old pictures*.

BACK : from the left we have,
Mark Leong - look like Vin Diesel (as in now), muscular body, solid abs, tight ass all but just need another 3inches for his height though.
Yu Keng - "I'm not gonna get married, coz I don't wanna share my money with my wife" (strange guy but he's my friend).
Anthony - Teachers' favourite! Very active. Muscular. One of a kind. Loveable. Funny. Clown to many people. Birthday on July 7.
Kim Yie - Likes older man. Much older.
Amanda - In the picture, she's looking at Tony.
Cheryl (I think) - ...
FRONT : from the left we have,
Zhen Lin - no comment, cool dude, luke's brother.
Keegan - One of the many good actors, seriously.
Mrs Tan - Good principal la. Good la.
Mrs Ong - Our english teacher. Sweet.
Elaine - This is the girl who kicked my butt till I got very depressed..ahem.
Traycee - She lost weight. thanks to HERBALIFE.
*I'll update more pics later k.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hey you, 
yes, you there..
I'm bored.
Visit me at Gardens now.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Karangan done by a standard 4 kid

I find this story very funny, HAHA. you should read it too.

Pagi itu pagi minggu. Cuaca cukupsejuk sehingga mencapai takat suhubeku.Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi sebabair kolah jadi air batu dan air paiptidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalambatang paip.

Pagi itu saya bersarapan dengan keluarga di dalam unggun apikerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas ituemak saya mengajak saya menemaninya kepasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu.Selepas emak menikam perut sayaberkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya. Kamiberjalan sejauh 120 kilometer keranapasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer darirumah.

Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampaipasar saya ternampak sebuah lorikontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang. Dia melanggar emak saya.Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung.Dia menjerit "Adoi!". Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari dibelakang emak saya kerana takut emaksaya melanggar lori itu pula.

Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Diapun memecut lebih laju iaitu samadengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pulaterpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali gandakelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Loriituterbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalanlalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri.Feri itu terbelah dua. Penumpang feriitu yang seramai 100 orang semuanyamati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman danmemfire pemandu lori.Pemandu lori menekan butang khas didalam lori dia..lori itu bertukarmenjadi robot Transformer.

Mereka bergaduh di udara.

Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia pun terus menyewa sebuahhelikopter di Genting Highlands danterus ke tempat kemalangan. Diamelanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu. Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukarmenjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feriitu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maafdari emak saya. Dia menghulurkantangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emaksaya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tanganpemandu lori itu dengan kipashelikopter.Pemandu lori itu menjerit "Adoi..!"dan jatuh ke bumi.Emak saya menghantar helikopter itu keGenting Highlands. Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannyasambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Pemandu lori itutidak dapat menjawab sebab emak sayacakap orang putih.
Lalu pemandu lori itu mati.

Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalanganngeri itu. Semua anggota polis dipejabat polis itu terperanjat lalumati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yangbertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati. Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati.

Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging.Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itus emuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati.Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.
I'm sorry

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Sorry folks, been busy lately with.. I don't know what. Just a quick update on my life.
Erm, let's see..
-been sleeping late recently, like 4-5am.
-addicted to Sudoku. (really fun, you should try it too)
-my chest sagged a bit already. It's as though they are depressed or something. Need to work on that.
-my stomach becoming belly, will join Terry's and Isaac's clan soon. Can't let that happen. I'm 21!(but that's usually when I'm done with my dinner.)
-My room getting hotter day by day.
-I'm not that friendly lately.(so don't piss me off)
-want to know more? call me at 017 7373 770 (nice number eh?)

So ya, thats all, will update a good one soon.
You should see what Samuel Lim wore today at church.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sleep Talking

Remember how irritating it was to sleep in the same room with Hock Seng and Brian Gan or even David Ng up in Peacehaven? When they snore the whole night till morning? And worse! when they sleep talk!

Brian : "Uuuhhh, I'm going to crash yooouuu, sharon.."

David : "Anthony, let's join our money together k? and win this round.."

Hock Seng : "I AM YOUR LEADER, thou shall listen to me! LET MY WILL BE DONE!"

And the strange thing is that the next day they all give the same excuse..
"I didn't snore k, I breathe loudly when I sleep". Well here's a video of someone sleep talking. Watch it.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

More Pics...

My cousin, heong weng doing some shoalin stance.
My cousin, ting ting...poser.

John and Ting Ting, never play poker with them, they cheat! and you'll get drunk in the end.

Heong Weng checking out girls there.

Keng Soon from YC tried asking Ting Ting for her number. When I asked her why she didn't give him, she said he was smelly...

John and Ting Ting trying to catch fish.



Ain't this beautiful...

Everyone was having a good time there la..

Crystal clear..


This is the best la, so peaceful..