This was the conversation ma and my sis had.
"You going Macau??"
"Yup, and ya, I still owe you your 21st birthday present right?"
"Ah, forget it, it's ok.. Just buy me some shirts from Hong Kong will do."
"Oh okay, I buy you something nice."
I was REALLY happy when she said that, she hardly buy me stuff anymore. Used to. But no more. Something tells me this time she's going to buy me something nice and expensive. I was looking forward to it. She even told me to have faith in her that she'll get me something nice.
Remember I told you my dad got me a clock for my birthday? A month later he told me I needed it thats why he bought me one. According to him, I'm always late for family events (dinner, shopping, etc). So my dad bought me something I need not want. I don't blame him, I'm late for my family... sometimes.
And now guess what my sis bought back for me? She said it was something I need too. My birthday present...
"You going Macau??"
"Yup, and ya, I still owe you your 21st birthday present right?"
"Ah, forget it, it's ok.. Just buy me some shirts from Hong Kong will do."
"Oh okay, I buy you something nice."
I was REALLY happy when she said that, she hardly buy me stuff anymore. Used to. But no more. Something tells me this time she's going to buy me something nice and expensive. I was looking forward to it. She even told me to have faith in her that she'll get me something nice.
Remember I told you my dad got me a clock for my birthday? A month later he told me I needed it thats why he bought me one. According to him, I'm always late for family events (dinner, shopping, etc). So my dad bought me something I need not want. I don't blame him, I'm late for my family... sometimes.
And now guess what my sis bought back for me? She said it was something I need too. My birthday present...
Apparently, this is a very famous brand in Macau and HK. Something Nike or Adidas in Malaysia. That's what she said.
SUPERSTAR!! More happening than CK in Hong Kong.
And it only costs this much..I think Superstar monopolized the whole market la, that's why they can afford to put it at this price.
"Just by wearing it Anthony, you'll feel like a star. Super some more. I'm a great sister la."

I love my sister ALOT.
yup, u should feel thankful for a sis like that. i'm jealous of u.
hey, i heard that ur sis did give u a present for ur b'day. is a book, is it? y dun u show us de book?
haha, will do..when i get my laptop then i'll post bout my birthday presents k.. still waiting for the laptop tho..
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