Friday, May 11, 2007


I need your help people. My sister's Perdana was stolen today.

Which sister?
~Amanda, the sis who wore goggles while cutting onions. (don't laugh)

~Kuchai Lama.

~This afternoon.

What car again?
~Proton Perdana. Silver. Old model of Perdana.

What's the car plate number?
~WJQ 8015.

How did it happen?
~Call her and ask yourself.

What else lost?
~Opa's hse keys
~Smart tag card
~Our hse keys (dang, means i have to wear shirt and sleep from tonight onwards, in case the guy is one of the many elton johnies)

How is she now?
~sad, tired, pissed off, etc...

So if you see anyone driving a silver perdana WJG 8015, gimme a call 017 7373 770. I'll slap that piece of..., I'll punch the son of...whatever his father name is, I'll kill the bus-tart!

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