It was one fine Saturday morning, as usual, we run around the court, shoot some hoops and lots of jumping involved. But well, for Ben, jumping is not his favourite move, nor running. But he's good at standing still and waiting for the ball to come rolling to him.
Everything was fine until one point when I jumped, my lower back hurts. I thought it was nothing, just a mosquito bite or maybe Aaron pinched me during the game. But it got worse. By the time I reached home at night, I walked like a 70+ woman who just got elbowed by a muscular dude from behind. When I sleep at night, it was the worst! hardly sleep that night.
So the next day, I decided to...
It was freaking pain when this old uncle rubbed my back. Feel like pushing him to the ground and take the bottle from his hand and smash it on his forehead. But that didn't happened of course. Pain means good. Pain means healing.
And now, this is what I have to take every 9 in the morning and 9 at night. Uncle said the black pills make one invincible. Uncle also said many martial art people used to order from him. When I asked for names, he looked at me for 5 seconds and said, ... "many."
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