Friday, June 29, 2007
My Swollen Nipple

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Eric Wee Heng Leong
He's not coming back July.
I don't like him.
I miss him.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Strange Sound From The "Car"
" ... "
"It's not me lar..it's the car making that strange noise"
"oh..ok ok..by the way, I want --"
" ...?? "
"Ahahaha..it's really not me lar..ahahaha"
"ok ok.. Anyway I was saying I --"
"Ahaha, wei, It's really not me.. I'm not woonbing.."
ps: I love rice
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Fire Up Conference
So make sure you bring your friends, family, aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces,teachers, lecturers, sworn enemies, girlfriends and boyfriends. Be there! Expect something from Him that night, reach out to Him (...those who seek Me find Me - Proverbs 8:17)
Date : Friday, 6th July 2007 (8pm) & Saturday 7th July 2007 (7pm)
Venue : Maranatha Hall, Glad Tidings, PJ
Ticket price : Absolutely FREE!!
Further enquiry, please contact PS.Rosaleen (016-207 1559) or PS.Lisa Chan (019-2707 977)
I'm going on the 6th.
YC Presentation
Starring: Matthew Tan, Kristy, Stefen Cheng, Samuel Yee, Wei-Ming, Daniel C and Anthony W.
Leave your comment. Thanks a lot.
Monday, June 18, 2007
C.H.E.S.T vs B.R.E.A.S.T
FYI, if you don't already know, I have chest. Not breast. Chest not breast. And SOME of you (Lydia), please stop looking at them while you're talking to me. My eyes are not there. Yes, I feel uncomfortable sometimes.
Mine is just the same as..

Simon Cowell's from American Idol
King Leonidas' in 300
Donnie Yen's
Totally different from:
Wonder Woman
Kenny Sia
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

picture of me and this strange looking worm. Kids love it though.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Silver Plate Champion a.k.a Best Of Loser?
I think I can win that Nigerian any time la, just that I wasn’t ready yet la that time ,
the room was too cold,
the crowd were distracting me,
my shirt was uncomfortable,
I didn't get enough sleep the night before la,
so, ya lor, i think i lose to him because of all this factors..
Anyway, even though I lost the 1st match, I still can compete for the silver plate with other players who lost in their 1st match too. This is a different league already, this league is for the losers la..(yeah i was one of them) And I tell you, after that lost, i sapu'd other players like like killing ants only.
The first guy I played with was also a Nigerian la, the result was 11-5, 11-6...piece of cake. He has some skills though but just not enough to bring me down.
Then here comes quarter finals, this guy, all the way from Sarawak, Izwan. He wore his own jersey know, with his name behind some more, spiky hair all, looks like a pro to me la. This dude is a nice guy. I think he gave me chance la, so the result turned out to be 11-2 and 11-0. He's a good man. He taught me something that day, ... never judge a book by it's cover.
Then semi finals, another blackie, from Ghana. This nigga shouted every time he get 1point from me. In the end, i was the one shouting in victory. WAHAHA! 11-6 and 11-9.
But still? the best of losers? what kind of title is this?
"And the Best of Looo---I mean the Silver Plate Champion is... Anthony Wong from marketing course"
Sigh, at least i went home with something... Anyway for those of you who are going for a table tennis competition, here are some tips for you...
Firstly, you need to have a good bat. Not those cacat'd bat you can simply buy from Jusco. A bat that suits you. The best is you go to some sports shop and customize your own bat.
Well,when you have a good bat, definitely you need a skillful and strong arm too, so that your smashes are fast enough and hard for the opponent to accept.
You need a good pair of shoe. Not slippers, never wear slippers for ping pong. Shoe makes your movement faster and smoother. If you don't have one, no worries..If there's a will, there's a way.. borrow from your friend only.. like i did.. (thanks Daniel, remind me return them)
And always have your handphone with you. It's good to receive encouragement from your loved ones. Either through sms or phone calls.

Last but not least, never wear a tight underwear for any sports (they need to breathe like you too, especially when you sweat) or underwear that are too loose (you need to run around during the game..not them, if not, they can be distracting sometimes).
With all this, i can guarantee you that you can win...at least.. at least the silver plate championship... but seriously I think i can get the gold medal if I was ready, if the room wasn't so freaking cold, if the crowd wasn't distracting me, if my shirt was a little bit bigger, and if i had enough sleep.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
BAD news: I missed my Business Law paper. I thought it was at 2pm today.
GOOD news: It's Friday... yay!
BAD news: I failed my Biz Law paper..
BAD news: My Biz Law paper...FAILED!! and my belly is getting bigger and rounder..
GOOD NEWS: Heng Leong and Chun Sheng are coming back!
Monday, June 4, 2007

Yup, tiny room for 5 adults..and i have to sleep on the floor,$%#
Melaka people don't fancy restroom like we do..they prefer bigger toilets
This is the best baba cendol store in melaka!

look at the amount of customers coming in and outIts packed i tell you. i love the environment there though, peaceful..
know what i mean now? I had 3 bowls of this k! super nice!
Dad and mum loves it too!
After cendol, we went to this fortress built by the Dutch la.. not A' Famousa, another one..located in Bukit St. John if I'm not mistaken. And when I think back how Iskandar Shah and his pahlawans tried to take over the fortress from the Dutch is so funny la. People using cannons and they only have "poisonous" keris and spears. Sigh, but thanks to the Dutch, one cannonball sent Iskandar Shah into our Sejarah textbook and his name lives forever..Malaysia boleh!
Feel the power between my legs.. Fire!!

Live martial arts performance by this uncle

*bling bling* in Jonker street

It was pretty tired that day la but I love family retreat. I had fun with my dad, mum and 2 sisters.. It was good. The next trip, I'm plainning to go Pulau Perhentian.. woohoo!