Sunday, September 23, 2007


Sorry folks, been busy lately with.. I don't know what. Just a quick update on my life.
Erm, let's see..
-been sleeping late recently, like 4-5am.
-addicted to Sudoku. (really fun, you should try it too)
-my chest sagged a bit already. It's as though they are depressed or something. Need to work on that.
-my stomach becoming belly, will join Terry's and Isaac's clan soon. Can't let that happen. I'm 21!(but that's usually when I'm done with my dinner.)
-My room getting hotter day by day.
-I'm not that friendly lately.(so don't piss me off)
-want to know more? call me at 017 7373 770 (nice number eh?)

So ya, thats all, will update a good one soon.
You should see what Samuel Lim wore today at church.